More than 15 years of experience in the housing market.
Attention to all landlords: as of January 1, 2025, having an official points score for every rented property will be mandatory. This means that each property in your portfolio must have an official points score according to the Dutch Rental Valuation System (Woningwaarderingsstelsel, WWS). Without an up-to- date points score, you risk fines or even potential adjustments (reductions) in rental price. Fortunately, with the right help, calculating these points is quick and easy. With our system, we can determine the score for each of your properties. Our service not only helps you set the maximum rental price per property but also gives you strategic insights into the profitability and growth potential of your full investment portfolio.
Attention to all landlords: as of January 1, 2025, having an official points score for every rented property will be mandatory. This means that each property in your portfolio must have an official points score according to the Dutch Rental Valuation System (Woningwaarderingsstelsel, WWS). Without an up-to- date points score, you risk fines or even potential adjustments (reductions) in rental price. Fortunately, with the right help, calculating these points is quick and easy. With our system, we can determine the score for each of your properties. Our service not only helps you set the maximum rental price per property but also gives you strategic insights into the profitability and growth potential of your full investment portfolio.
Are you uncertain about future rental prices due to
the new regulations? That's perfectly understandable!
This rental points system will significantly impact the
price you can ask from (new) tenants.
A points score provides insight into the quality of your
rental property based on the official Rental Valuation
System (WWS). Factors such as room sizes, WOZ-value
(property tax value), and any implemented
sustainability measures play an important role in
determining the score your property achieves. Getting
this done as soon as possible prevents unexpected
changes down the line. Peace of mind, right?
When you purchase our service, you don't just get the
points score. We also provide personalized advice.
You can only take the right steps once you have a
complete understanding of the situation. That’s why
we include a report with improvement points and
recommendations to optimize your property. With a
few small adjustments, you might be able to achieve a
sufficient score.
We finish the process with an advisory call. During the
call, we discuss the best options for your real estate,
so you’re well-prepared for today’s rental market.
A complete rental points calculation.
A free 15-minute advisory call with one of our
experienced agents.
An overview of your full real estate portfolio.
Tailored insights and guidance.
We take care of everything. Let us handle the details
and save yourself time and effort.
More than 15 years of experience in the housing market.
Immediate insight into your property score or entire portfolio in just a few steps.
You’ll meet the legal requirements by January 1, 2025.
Analysis and calculation have been my specialties for over ten years in the real estate
world. The result? A wealth of experience and deep knowledge of this market.
The points score is now an essential part of your portfolio management and a future-proof
With my expertise, we can actively advise you on the steps to take based on the points